Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The wonderful mind of a 5 year old boy...

Saturday, Ian and I were driving home from dinner in my truck. He asked me if a certain house was for sale that he saw. I said "no" and he asked how I knew. I explained to him that houses for sale had signs out in front of them. "Well, I need to buy one" , he said, "so when I move out I'll have my own place." I asked him when he planned on moving out. "As soon as I'm big like you, but i need to get the house now", he responded. I told him that he didn't need to worry about that until he was out of school and working. "Will that house still be for sale?", he asked. I explained that it probably would not be, but many others would be available. He paused for a moment and then asked "Can we buy me a car?"

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