Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer Reading

Have you read this summer? My brother and I joined a program at the library to read as many books we could this summer. Every book you read was a point, and when the program finished, you spent your points at the library store. You could get a lot of things like pencils, crafts, autographed books, and more. My brother read 155 books, and I read 230 books. We had fun reading books this summer,and spending our points at the library store. My brother drew a picture from his favorite book he read this summer. He sent it into the Courier News Paper, and they put it into the paper. He won a gift certificate to Barnes & Nobles. I sent in a review of my favorite book I read this Summer to the Courier News, and they put it in the paper too. I won a Barnes & Nobles gift card.


  1. Way to go Samantha and Ian - I'm proud of you reading all those books, and it's so cool that your book reviews got published in the paper!

    Awesome job!

  2. Thanks Uncle Russell. It was really fun reading this summer.
